TMatch - Therapist Matching Questions for Client Attachment Style
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Therapist Matching Questions for Client Attachment Style

What is the general emotional style of your therapy?

My therapy tends to be warm,
attuned, flexible, and empathetic

My therapy tends to be firm and
consistent, with clear boundaries

To what degree is what happens during your therapy planned?

I don't plan what will happen in
therapy sessions ahead of time

I try to closely follow a specific
treatment plan for each client

To what degree is your usual method of therapy structured?

My therapy is usually almost
completely unstructured

My therapy is usually
very highly structured

What level of intimacy usually occurs during your therapy?

I tend to stay fairly distant
emotionally from my clients

I tend to become extremely
intimate with my clients

What is the general level of emotional intensity during your therapy sessions?

My therapy sessions generally have
extremely low emotional intensity

My therapy sessions generally have
extremely high emotional intensity

These questions were for assessing therapists related to the first two matching suggestions for attachment style. The first question above was for the recommendation that avoidant clients should be matched with an attuned, following, warm, flexible "holding" type of therapy, while ambivalent clients should be matched with firm, consistent therapy with clear boundaries. The bottom four questions were for assessing therapists related to the recommendation that avoidant clients should be matched with therapy that gets them more in touch with their emotions, and with therapists who emphasize connecting emotionally with clients, while ambivalent clients should be matched to therapy with more structure.